The headline act for the evening is John Baine, AKA, Attila the Stockbroker, who is a punk poet, and a folk punk musician and songwriter. He performs solo and as the leader of the band Barnstormer. He describes himself as a “sharp tongued, high energy social surrealist poet and songwriter.” He has performed over 3,300 concerts, published seven books of poems and an autobiography, and released over forty recordings (albums and singles).
The supporting Attila the Stockbroker will be Grace Petrie who is a DIY folk singer-songwriter and guitarist from Leicester, UK. She has been hailed in The Guardian as “a powerful new songwriting voice”.
In addition the poet Janine Booth will be joining us also.
The compere/MC for the evening will be Ron Graves the poet and president of Peterborough trades council. To compliment this will be two speakers the first (TBC) to open the event will be a spokesperson from the Labour Party, and the second to close the event will be Reuben Bard Rosenberg from LGSM (Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants). To top the event off will be a DJ from the Cambridge outfit Last Gang in Town.