Now That’s What I Call The Portland! Digital Album


A Compilation album compiled by Ian Perry of Aaahh! Real Records as part of the Covid19 crowdfunder and featuring some of the fine acts that have called Cambridge and The Portland home.


Sold via bandcamp as streaming or digital download. All profits go to help support the Portland and it’s work as a grass-roots venue.

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Like all pubs and venues during the Covid-19 pandemic, Cambridge’s much-loved Portland Arms has found itself closed, unable to earn money, and with rent payments and overheads still due as usual.

This compilation – consisting of some fine acts to have called Cambridge their home – has been put together to assist in fundraising efforts, of which there are many more available at

We’ve set the base price at a fiver, but if you’re able and willing to give more please do. All donations – after Paypal and Bandcamp fees – are going direct to the Portland Arms.


released May 1, 2020

Compiled by Ian Perry for Aaahh!!! Real Records.
Mastered by Dan O’Dell for Boy Took Flight Productions.
Artwork by Rob Kemp.

With thanks to Simon Baker at Green Mind, Steve & Hayley Pellegrini at The Portland Arms.

All tracks used with generous permission of the artists. The copyright in each track belongs to the respective artist. All rights reserved.